Chakras Intuitive Card Reading


The chakras intuitive reading calls upon your and Kayla's Spirit entourage, which includes angels, spirit guides, and passed loved ones, and her intuition to provide insights and guidance into the current state of your seven main chakras.

This type of reading allows for a deep exploration of each chakra's energies and how they relate to your overall well-being and spiritual development.

What's included?

The chakras intuitive reading includes:

  1. seven tarot cards that are intuitively pulled and used for the reading

    1. Root Chakra: This card represents the sitter's connection to their physical and material world. It provides insights into their sense of stability, security, and grounding.

    2. Sacral Chakra: This card reflects the sitter's emotional and creative energies. It offers insights into their relationships, passions, and creative expression.

    3. Solar Plexus Chakra: This card relates to the sitter's personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. It provides guidance on how they can strengthen their sense of self.

    4. Heart Chakra: This card represents the sitter's capacity for love, compassion, and healing. It offers insights into their emotional well-being and relationships.

    5. Throat Chakra: This card is connected to communication and self-expression. It provides guidance on how to communicate effectively and authentically.

    6. Third Eye Chakra: This card relates to intuition and inner wisdom. It offers insights into the sitter's intuitive abilities and their connection to higher knowledge.

    7. Crown Chakra: This card represents the sitter's connection to the divine and their higher purpose. It offers guidance on their spiritual journey and alignment with higher consciousness.

  2. a photo/graphic of the tarot cards used for the reading

  3. a heartfelt written or audio message from the Divine delivered via email

Note: All readings are deliverable within 24-hours via email, except on weekends or holidays, where a 72-hour turnaround is anticipated.


The chakras intuitive reading is a one-time investment of $25.

No refunds will be issued.


Kayla Brissi/Intuitive Spiritual Warrior Holistic Consulting & Healing LLC does NOT provide readings regarding the following topics due to their nature, sensitivity, sacredness, and God's will:

  • gambling or lottery

  • ill will or negativity towards self or another

  • illegal activity practice(s)

  • serious illnesses, pregnancy, or death

All intuitive readings are meant to be healing, uplifting, and for entertainment purposes only. Opinions, advice, and all other types of information received through a reading do not, in any way, constitute legal, medical, financial, or other professional advice.

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